Sunday, April 18, 2010

Gram Gram

I’ve been neglecting my blog, I know.  Life is busy as always, but I know I need to make a better effort to get over here.  I’ll do my best.

For the past few weeks my grandma has been visiting us from Michigan.  I can’t even believe I actually got her here…I think she wanted to visit, but doesn’t like the idea of traveling too much anymore.  But anyways, we did get her here.

She stayed for about three weeks and left just this morning.  Jason had to travel to Las Vegas for work so he took a layover in Detroit so she wouldn’t have to fly alone.  They had to take the early flight out—very early—they left the house at 4:30 am today.   As I went to hug her good-bye, the sadness I felt about her departure all came pouring out as did hers.  I love you’s were exchanged and tears fell down on my cheeks as I watched her walk to the car.  Jason gave me the kind of hug he knew I needed in that moment in time, kissed me good-bye, and he headed out also.

I went back to bed.

Upon awakening I realized today was going to be one of those lazy days.  I felt deserving of it, but still a little guilty nonetheless.  I will allow myself to feel a little sad today, but not tomorrow or the days after.  Because even though I am missing Jason and my grandma, staying in my PJ’s doesn’t really help me in the long run. 

Instead, I’d rather remember the extra special time spent with my grandma while she was here:   How the twins wake up now everyone morning asking if Gram Gram is still asleep.  Sammy excitedly telling her that he went on the potty while Sabrina models an endless display of clothing and my shoes.  How both of the twins have gotten exceptionally good at putting toys away—or at least out of the way of a walking path so “Gram Gram doesn’t trip”.  The joy she took in simple pleasures like making them french toast for breakfast and showing them how to do a word search puzzle.

One of the best memories (which I didn’t get a video or picture off, but I will remember nonetheless).  We were eating something for dinner (can’t remember), and Sabrina was eating away at her plate while Sammy was kind of picking at his.

Grandma: “Oh Sabrina, you’re going to town on your dinner!”

Sabrina smiles and keeps eating dinner.

Sammy, wanting to get involved, starts eating his dinner and exclaims, “Look Gram Gram!  I go to town!”

Grandma: “Oh yes Sammy, you go to town too!”

Every meal thereafter both the twins would exclaim to Gram Gram how they were “going to town” on their meals.  So cute.

I was able to capture a few pics here and there:

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Love you Gram Gram.  We shall see you soon….


  1. Great pictures! Love the field of vision on the high heel pic. Your blog makes me wish my g-mom was still alive

  2. I love your Grandma :) So glad she was able to come out there!!

  3. Love the picturess. I know they will so miss having gram gram there. I still think the "going to town" was the best..

  4. so so sweet! It is so very nice that you still have your Gram Gram!
